By Janina B. Jayme, BA601E
Joining a competition seems to be always at its first - cold and moist hands, butterflies in the stomach, excitement and jitters. How commendable the contestants are for being brave enough to fight!
Mind Challenge 2010 - Junior and Senior Levels - was held last March 2 in the HR Room and was facilitated by the e-FMS and Math.exe clubs. The Junior level started at around 9:30 in the morning. Team Avogadro, Babbage and Galileo competed. Unfortunately, the Team Maxwell got disqualified for having representatives from four-year courses instead of two-year ones.
There were three representatives for each team. Thirty questions were prepared and divided into three categories - Easy, Average, and Difficult. Think Twice questions were also determined in which the emcess - Prof. Gerlie Caspe and Mr. Jojit Alcalde - would ask the teams if they opt to "go" or "pass" in answering the questions. These have higher corresponding points than regular questions. But, deductions would be given to teams who would answer them incorrectly.
The same rules applied to the Senior level which started at 11:15am. But this time, all of the four teams had their match.
After cudgeling their brains on tough questions, Team Galileo emerged as champion in the Junior level, followed by Avogadro and Babbage. On the other hand, Team Babbage won the Senior level with Maxwell (with e-FMS members Janina Jayme and Jen Villasis) and Galileo (with e-FMS member Kenny Kelvin Medina) won as first and second runners-up respectively.
The event was totally fun. It was not just a battle of wits, but of courage as well. Nobody was a loser for as Nelson Robins said:
"...That the best of the fight is in the staying, lad,
That the best of all the games is the staying, lad,
If you give them the best in you."
Congratulations for a job well done! Mind Challenge competitors!