In college, thesis defense is one of the requirements for certain degrees. There is a lot of thoughts that came in my mind when I heard the word thesis defense. It was just like carrying the world on your shoulder. I expected that it would be so hard to do the documentations, weeks of planning, researching and editing. Most terrifying was how to respond to questions and criticisms of the panelists. I was so pessimistic that time because I thought of so many negative things that might happen. Moreover, I expected that the panelists would ask very difficult questions.
January 31, 2010. The judgment day! I was extremely nervous that time. I didn't even know what would happen to our presentation. Upon entering the thesis room, I felt uncomfortable and tense since we were the first group to present. I was so disappointed with my showing during the presentation. I felt that I was so much ready and prepared but felt short of presenting properly. All the ideas in my mind were all mixed up due to nervousness. I felt really bad and sorry for our group. Despite all that, when our panelists asked questions, I believe we had responded good enough.
And finally, our presentation was done. We were just awaiting for the verdict for the remaining hours since the verdict would be announced after all the groups are done with their defense.
The verdict! We got a minor revision! It was truly a good gift to our group. After all the sleepless nights, stresses, pressures, and conflicts, everything that we have gone through, it was a sigh of relief. I was also happy for the results of the verdict for the rest of my classmates. Overall, out of the five groups, three (3) got minor revisions and two (2) with major revisions.
I learned so many things from this experience that I wouldn't ever forget.
Believe in yourself and your success will surely please you...